Çerez Örnek
canlı destek

Article format 

Instructions for Preparing the Article

Type of Presentation: 

1. There are four types of presentation which are IN-PERSON ORAL and ONLINE-ORAL.
2. Since the number of articles for oral presentation is limited, the committee reserves the rights to assign the appropriated articles for oral presentation.

Article Formats and Requirements : 

Submitted materials should be in line with the main thematic areas of the conference. The manuscript must be completed in the following order:

1. The name of the article (in the middle, in capital letters, in black font);
2. Author(s) name and surname, in the middle, in small letters, in black font;
3. Full name of the organization, name of the country;
4. Corresponding author's e-mail address;
5. Abstract and keywords in English (no more than 150 words);
6. Main text of the article in Uzbek, Turkish, Azarbaijani, English and Russian (2-5 pages); click here for an example
7. List of used literature.

Limitations: The page length of the manuscript should not be less than 2 pages and not more than 5 pages. It is recommended not to exceed 10 references. It is recommended not to have more than 4 pictures and 3 tables.

Rules for formalizing the text of the article: Use 21 x 27.9 cm (A4 paper size). Text editor – Microsoft Word; Format – .doc (docx); Font size – 12; Font – Times New Roman; Interval between rows - 1; Letter head - 1.25 cm. Page parameters: 3.0 cm from left; 2.0 cm from the right; 2.5 cm is left from the top and bottom. Text pages are not numbered. Formulas and Latin names (species, genera, etc.) are written in italics. Graphic materials (pictures, diagrams, schemes, etc.) must be of high quality.

References should be written as follows:

Reference to a journal publication:
Roche, G. C. 2007. Conspectus of the sphecid wasps of Egypt (Hymenoptera: Ampulicidae, Sphecidae, Crabronidae). Egyptian Journal of Natural History, 4(2): 12-149.

Reference to a book:
Kaufmann, J. 1996. Parasitic Infections of Domestic Animals: A Diagnostic Manual. Springer Basel, xvi + 423 pp.
Romanoff, A. L. and Romanoff, A.  1949. The Avian Egg. 1st edition, John Wiley and Sons Co., New York, 500 pp.
Schmidt, M. W. and Poli, S. 2014.Devolatilization during subduction. In: Rudnick, R. L. (ed.), Treatise on Geochemistry: The Crust, 2nd edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p 669–701.
Steel, R. G. and Torrie, J. H. 1980. Principle and Procedures of Statistics. 2nd edition, McGrow-Hill Book Co., Inc, New York, 467 pp. (Chapter 8: 333-362)

Article Template - Download here Article Template (.docx File) 

All articles included in the conference collection will be included in the “Google Scholar” database. The articles deemed the best by the scientific committee are included in the “Scopus” database (the articles can be sent to the author for re-editing).


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